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Night owl or Early bird


Night Owl or Early Bird; Checkout 

Often, we come across people who sleep quite late due to their work, unfinished tasks or studies. Many students and working professionals have made their routine such that their minds and bodies function according to their late schedule and they seem quite comfortable to it. It seems okay to them, but is it right for their health? These night owls can be found in our homes, workplace and everywhere.

In contrast, many early risers are also there who like to get up and start their work early and sleep early likewise. These early birds also seem very productive and fresh and often share the virtues of rising early.

How these people are fine-tuned to their rather early or late schedule looks amazing as well as concerning sometimes. Are they torturing their mind and body due to their rigorous routine? Let us find out what is good and what should be done to make it good.

Night owl or early bird what is good?

·        It was observed that studying or working late at night can lead to a decrease in performance and memory issues.

·        Our peak cognitive activities like reasoning, thinking and remembering are best during the daytime starting in the early morning and by studying or working late at night we're literally fighting against our natural body clock.

·        The brain's performance significantly comes down as the day comes to an end. So, studying or working late all night is like fighting with your own body’s rhythms. Our brain works efficiently with a good night's sleep and waking up early.

·        The most important thing is that ideas floated and lessons learned during odd hours get stored in your short-term memory. Leading to less retention and more forgetfulness making it futile to burn the midnight oil.

Importance of better scheduling for students

These days older school kids are quite distracted lots. They are more active, loud and intense during the day and during the night they like to study in peace and quiet. They find fewer distractions at night compared to the daytime.

Most of their friends are either asleep or less active on social networks at this time. They try to schedule their study between 2am to 5am in peace and quiet. But irrespective of whether you are a night owl or an early riser, you need to follow a school timetable. So, there are certain rules that students need to follow.

·        As you are in school you need to schedule your studies as well as other activities according to school timings. You need to wake up at a certain time every morning, school takes an average of 6 to 7 hours a day. If you study late at night, it will be tough to stay awake in class.

·         If you somehow managed to stay awake, your tired brain would not let you store or accept any new information as it might have reached its full capacity to take in information.

·        Your brain needs time and proper sleep to reboot and process new information just like PC, this will lead to more irritation and less attention in class. You will be immersed with multiple doubts and difficulties and find everything related to the study as excess and unwanted baggage.

·        Be regular with your studies as cramming at night before the exam will not help you get good marks. Make a study plan and schedule your studies over a period of time.

Benefits of 8 hours of sleep

It is common knowledge that sleep is good for your brain to keep it fresh to work on ideas and perform efficiently. Famous scientist Einstein took this advice more seriously than others. He reportedly slept for at least 10 hours per day. Sleep is a tonic to enhance brain function, other benefits of 8 hours of sleep are –

·        It lowers your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. It helps to reduce stress and improve your mood.

·        You will be able to think more clearly and do better work in school.

·        It will positively affect your behavior towards others and you will love to meet and have fruitful discussions with your peers.

·        Lastly people who sleep for at least seven to eight hours are well organized, have amazing brain power and are likely to live longer. Sleeping an average of 7-8 hours each day also helps older people retain better brain and physical health.

Whether you’re a night owl or not, one thing is clear, you need enough sleep to be able to do justice to your learning. Take adequate breaks and study with full enthusiasm to make learning delightfully.



Fusion said…
Excellent read.

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