Night owl or Early bird
Night Owl or Early Bird; Checkout Often, we come across people who sleep quite late due to their work, unfinished tasks or studies. Many students and working professionals have made their routine such that their minds and bodies function according to their late schedule and they seem quite comfortable to it. It seems okay to them, but is it right for their health? These night owls can be found in our homes, workplace and everywhere. In contrast, many early risers are also there who like to get up and start their work early and sleep early likewise. These early birds also seem very productive and fresh and often share the virtues of rising early. How these people are fine-tuned to their rather early or late schedule looks amazing as well as concerning sometimes. Are they torturing their mind and body due to their rigorous routine? Let us find out what is good and what should be done to make it good. Night owl or early bird what is good? · ...