Healthy Beverages

Healthy Beverages Though water is considered the healthiest and most refreshing lifesaving drink provided to us by nature, there are few beverages that are quite refreshing and good for our health as well as energy level. They are great in providing nutritive elements like vitamins and minerals to our body and elevating our mood. Green tea Green tea is composed of tannins, caffeine a bitter ingredient and lots of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and vitamin E. Together these vitamins provide antibacterial, antioxidant, detoxificant and anti-aging properties. Drinking green tea is good for the liver as vitamin C present in it facilitates the breakdown of alcohol, reduces blood sugar level and help in fighting bad cholesterol. It activates the intestine and helps in relieving chronic constipation. It is good for oral hygiene as it acts on germs present in the mouth and prevents bad breath and tooth decay. It has anti-cancer properties a...