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How To Fix Your Hormones Naturally

How To Fix Your Hormones Naturally

The imbalance of hormones can be very stressful for you. But you need not worry, by taking corrective actions and changing your lifestyle you can balance your hormones naturally. This can be done by taking the following measures:

1, Get enough protein

Proteins provide amino acids to your body, which it uses to produce hormones. In fact, eating protein provides your body with amino acids. They produce specific hormones, like estrogen, insulin, and thyroid hormone. Eating quality protein from various sources–like chicken, eggs, fish, and plant-based proteins like nuts or seeds–at each meal, can help keep your hormones functioning optimally.

2, Exercise regularly

Regular exercise or workouts are required to maintain hormonal balance. However, fast-paced physical activity like push-ups and crunches improves endocrine health. They can help balance hormones like cortisol, insulin and thyroid hormones.

In fact, the more intense the workout the more hormones will release. This way you can regulate hormones and reduce the risk of health problems.

3, Maintain a moderate weight

In most cases, people who are overweight are facing hormonal problems. Moreover, weight gain is often directly associated with hormonal imbalances. That may lead to complications in insulin sensitivity and reproductive health. But measures like improving dietary choices, increasing physical activity, getting sufficient sleep, and managing stress can help you manage weight.

Quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol also help to avoid hormonal weight gain. Some hormones improve after weight loss, like lower levels of estrogen in females, which protect from breast cancer, and higher levels of testosterone, which help to maintain muscle mass and bone density.

4, Watch your gut health

The health of your gut defines your hormone levels and their imbalances. The “gut” consists of the entire digestive tract from your mouth to your colon.

The gut contains around 10-100 trillion symbiotic microbes like bacteria, viruses and fungi. Some of the microbes are friendly, and others are not so friendly. Higher-friendly microbes make the gut healthy.

 Eating healthy foods and practising good lifestyle habits keep your gut healthy. Eating the wrong foods, taking antibiotics frequently, not managing stress well, and not getting enough sleep can throw the gut out of balance.

The biggest cause of an unhealthy gut is eating a diet high in sugar, processed foods, the wrong kinds of fat, and alcohol. Over time, not only does the gut not absorb nutrients as it should, but it can also start leaking toxins and harmful bacteria into the body. 

An unhealthy gut causes hormonal disruptions and may lead to serious diseases such as diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease.

5, Lower sugar intake

To maintain hormonal balance, you must consume low amounts of sugar. Foods high in sugar contribute to blood sugar spikes, hormone imbalances, gut problems, and insulin resistance.

White bread, rice, pasta, sweet yoghurt, alcohol, and energy bars are the other sources of extra sugar we consume with sweet treats. Insulin converts blood glucose into energy and works hard when we eat excess sugar.

Excess sugar in the diet can raise testosterone levels in women and lower testosterone levels in men, leading to low fertility, obesity and diabetes.  For both men and women, insulin production can inhibit the production of human growth hormone, which is responsible for optimal muscle mass, body fat and bone structure.

6, Reduce stress

The stress in our daily lives affects our mental health and sometimes leads to hormonal imbalances. Long periods of stress can cause cortisol and adrenaline levels to remain elevated. In women, hormonal imbalances lead to high blood pressure, mood changes, weight gain, and irregular periods.

Measures to manage stress include meditation, yoga, proper sleep and relaxing the brain through breathing exercises.

7, Get enough sleep

Poor sleep or not enough sleep can lead to a hormone imbalance. Stick to a sleep routine and aim for 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep each night. 

Multiple hormones are regulated by sleep.

Melatonin is the hormone that affects sleep, being low during the daytime but rising once darkness sets in, leading to sleep. The Pineal gland secretes melatonin.

Cortisol, a steroid hormone, produced by the adrenal glands, is regulated by sleep. It is also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol also aids in the regulation of other hormones in the body, such as thyroid and estrogen. GH is important for burning fat and muscle growth.

Growth hormone, or GH, levels surged during nighttime sleep, with multiple increases occurring approximately every two hours, according to some scientists. GH is important for burning fat and muscle growth. Night-time sleep inhibits cortisol secretion at first but is associated with a rise in GH levels.

When you sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed, your cortisol reaches a peak within 30 minutes of waking up, setting off all your other hormones, like thyroid and estrogen. Poor sleep can have many negative effects on cortisol release. 

8,  Eat healthy fats

Fats and cholesterol are important building blocks for hormones, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and adequate nutrients are essential for hormone balance. Since your body uses fats as building blocks for hormones, eating healthy fats is vital for good hormone health and proper hormonal balance.

These healthy fats are present in avocados, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, fatty fish, and olive and coconut oils. Fat also provides energy.

Lifestyle changes to prevent or reduce hormonal imbalance

1, Maintaining a healthy body weight.

2, Performing regular physical exercise, at least 30 minutes per day

3, Eating a balanced, nutritious diet.

4, Reducing stress.

5, Practicing self-regulation (deep breathing, yoga, positive visualization and meditation) to manage stress.

6, Washing and cleaning your face, hands, chest and neck.

7, Avoid spicy foods and drinks that can trigger hot flashes.

8, Reducing the use of household cleaners with toxic chemicals.

9, Minimizing sugary foods and packaged foods.

10, Cooking with ceramic pans instead of older non-stick pans.

11, Try purchasing organic fruits and vegetables which have no chemical sprays.

12, Scheduling regular healthcare appointments to assess health.

You can take care of yourself if you control your lifestyle appreciably and apply necessary changes to it. Go ahead and make changes to your lifestyle to move ahead and meet a healthy you.


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