Avoid dehydration in summer

 It is important to stay hydrated especially now that the summer season is approaching. Lack or loss of fluids in the body can be a cause of dehydration, which is not good for your body and overall health and can sometimes turn fatal if not properly managed.

Dehydration is a dangerous loss of body fluids caused by illnesses like vomiting and diarrhoea, sweating or inadequate intake of water or other liquids. During dehydration, your body doesn't have enough fluid and electrolytes to work properly.  These electrolytes are the minerals in your body like sodium, calcium and potassium found in the foods you eat and the fluids you drink.

Staying hydrated in summer?

The hot summer season when the temperature is on the rise requires us to be well-hydrated to stay healthy and fit. It is important to drink fluids and stay hydrated during outdoor activities like playing sports, travelling or just sitting in the sun.

It is critical for your heart health to stay hydrated as dehydration results in low blood volume and low levels of oxygen in the blood. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles.

To oxygenate the blood and expel carbon dioxide our lungs should be hydrated. To keep the lungs hydrated and to maintain the oxygen level drinking water and staying hydrated is important.

Symptoms of dehydration

1.     Feeling thirsty, tired, dizzy or light-headed

2.     A dry mouth, lips and tongue along with headache and sunken eyes.

3.     Peeing less often than usual, dark yellow, strong-smelling pee.

4.     Dry and flaky skin with muscle weakness and cramps.

5.     Constipation.

How to rehydrate fast?

If you're worried about your or someone else's hydration status, here are the few best ways to rehydrate quickly.

1.     Simple and convenient, drink water

2.     Coffee and tea can also help in your fluid intake

3.     Skim and low-fat milk are great solutions for hydration and electrolyte loss

4.     Fruits and vegetables can hydrate you if you find it difficult to drink liquids.

5.     Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is the best and replenishes the water and electrolytes that you have lost.

How to stay hydrated in the summer season

1.     Start your day with a glass of water

Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. This will give a great boost to your metabolism and energy while rebooting all the internal systems of your body.

Avoid drinking water right before bed if you struggle with nocturnal urination or heartburn. You can have 8-10 glasses of water during the day or go for other fluids. Keeping yourself hydrated all through the day will keep you away from dehydration and other related ailments.

Our body needs a sufficient amount of water and it is essential to drink at least 2 litres of water daily.

2.     Buy a trendy water bottle for inspiration

A good water bottle can serve as a visual reminder to drink more water throughout the day. Certain bottles have marked measurements for tracking the quantity of water you have drank the whole day. It is a good thing to use if you are not able to monitor your water intake.

Sometimes a trendy and attractive water bottle can inspire you to use it and in the process make you regularly drink water and hydrate yourself. Besides, you can always have your own self-target to motivate yourself to drink water.

3.     Set reminders

Set alarms or notifications on your smart devices to remind you throughout the day if you always forget to drink water. You can also set reminders on your Alexa or Google device to remind you at appropriate time intervals.

These days many water purifiers also remind you to drink water. If you are forgetful or too busy to take care of your hydration needs then these devices remind you to hydrate yourself.

4.     Swap high-sugar soft drinks and ice creams for water

Soft drinks contain high amounts of unnecessary sugar that you don’t really need. Besides the soda present in these drinks can actually dehydrate you during hot weather conditions.

Similarly, more sugar in the ice cream is not needed to hydrate your body and quench your thirst. You can swap these cold drinks and ice creams with water, coconut water or fresh fruit juices. Coconut water generally has fewer calories and added sugars than fruit juice. It's also a good source of potassium.

5.     Listen to your body 

Listen to the signals that your body often gives you as sometimes we overeat because we mistake thirst for hunger. Find out if you are really thirsty or hungry? if your body is asking for something. 

Try drinking a glass of water before each meal. It will help you stay hydrated, help your body digest food better and help you feel full faster.

To check the water requirement of your body you can observe the colour of your urine. The dark colour can be a sign of dehydration, while transparent to pale yellow is considered healthy. 

6.     Eat water-rich fruits and veggies

There are many water-rich vegetables and fruits, which replenish lost water and provide vitamins. Eat more of these water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, peaches and cucumber.

Other good options include cantaloupes, lettuce, zucchini, celery and tomatoes. Citrus fruits and vegetables like oranges, grapes, melons, and lemons are rich in vitamin C and contain 91% of water which keeps dehydration at bay.

7.     Limit Alcohol Consumption:

Intake of excess alcohol can lead to dehydration. It is often observed that in the drunk state, your mind does not give your body the signal that you need water and makes you dehydrated by soaking the body fluids from your blood and sending them to your renal system. Avoid its consumption to stay healthy this summer.


The treatment for dehydration is to replace the fluids and electrolytes that you have lost. For mild cases, you may just need to drink lots of water. If you lost electrolytes, sports drinks may help. There is also an oral rehydration solution (ORS) for quick rehydration. Take care of yourself during summer.




Farhat said…
Thanks for the post. Quite interesting. I enjoyed reading your previous post on teenagers.

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