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How to be a Healthy Teenager

How to be a Healthy Teenager

Watching kids grow into teenagers is an overwhelming experience. They grow up fast, learn new things, take their own decisions, and choose their clothes, friends and music. We can’t impose our decision on them at this stage of life but making them realize the positives or negatives of things based on our own experience is also important.

Parents or well-wishers mostly want their kids to focus on their bodies, studies and health. To make healthy decisions about their body and health they need to eat and drink right and be physically active. Ultimately it is the lifestyle that matters for every individual whether young or old, adult or kid and teenagers are no exception to that.

Ideal lifestyle for teens

Kids of growing age need to taught to be active, disciplined and focused. In fact, they need to follow specific lifestyle principles for their overall well-being. Some of them are as follows-


What does a healthy lifestyle for a teenager mean? It can have multiple meanings for many people if we point out what they should concentrate on. But the most important is to focus on nutrition.

Hydration and nutrition are two sides of the same coin. Make sure they drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after any exercise or physical activity.

Teenagers need a whole lot of nutrients

§  Calcium, to build strong bones and teeth from low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese.

§  Vitamin D to keep bones healthy. Good sources can be orange juice, whole oranges, tuna, and fat-free or low-fat milk.

§  Potassium, to help lower blood pressure. Bananas, or baked potatoes with the skin, are good for a potassium boost.

§  Protein, to give you the power and make you strong. Peanut butter, eggs, tofu, legumes, such as lentils and peas and chicken, fish, and low-fat meats are all good sources of protein.

§  Fibre or fibrous food will help your digestive system to function well and make you feel full. Good sources of fiber include beans and celery.

§  Iron is essential in making hemoglobin in red blood cells. The red blood cell carries oxygen throughout your body. Spinach, beans, peas, and iron-fortified cereals are great sources of iron. Iron is absorbed better when you also eat foods with vitamin C, like an orange.

Consume less salty food

The body requires a very small amount of sodium, which is mostly found in salt. But eating too many salty things can raise your blood pressure which is harmful to your heart and body functions. Teenagers need to take care of what they eat for their heart health and prevent health complications as they grow old.

Fix sleep schedule 

It is important to get about nine to ten hours of sleep or at least a seven-hour sleep schedule. Like nutrition and physical activity, getting enough sleep is important for staying healthy. You need good rest to do well in school, work and drive safely, and fight off infection. Not getting enough sleep may make you moody, and irritable and may also contribute to weight gain.

If you’re between 13 and 18 years old, you should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. You need to make a schedule for every activity and have enough time to sleep to make your mind and body function well.

Maintain energy Balancing

Teenagers need a lot of energy to lead a highly active life and grow. Calories from what they eat and drink give that energy. But they need to eat and drink healthy and high-energy food to stay powered up. Balancing of energy generated and energy used is required. It helps in day-to-day activities and helps in creating a healthy weight.

 It is a great challenge for teenagers as at this stage of their life energy consumption is maximum due to physical activities. Many teens look lean due lack of nutrition and maximum consumption of energy.

Maintain healthy weight

Some teens try to lose weight by eating very little, cutting out carbohydrates, skipping meals or fasting. These approaches to losing weight could be harmful as they may turn nutrient deficient because of a lack of energy-giving food.

In fact, unhealthy dieting may lead to a cycle of eating little and then overeating when you get hungry. Unhealthy dieting could also affect your mood and how you grow. It is better to have a balanced diet from all food groups accompanied by active lifestyle

Stay away from dieting

These days youngsters indulge in smoking, making themselves vomit, or using diet pills or laxatives to lose weight. This may lead to health problems as these measures to control your weight can lead to a serious eating disorder. It is better to talk to a dietician or to an adult you can trust. Smoking can make you vulnerable to heart disease, cancer, and other health problems.

Lose weight if needed If you think you need to lose weight. A doctor or dietitian may be able to tell you if you need to lose weight and how to do so in a healthy way.

Choose Healthy Foods and Drink

Teens need to shun junk food and take interest in healthy eating. Healthy eating involves taking control of how much and what types of food you eat or the beverages you drink. Foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats need to be replaced with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat protein foods, and fat-free or low-fat dairy foods.

Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and avoid sugary drinks as an excess of them can lead to weight gain. Soda, energy drinks, sweet tea, and packed juices have added sugars, a great source of extra calories. 

Choose whole grains like whole-wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereal, instead of refined grain cereals, white bread, and white rice. Power up yourself with protein-rich food like lean meats, chicken, seafood, egg whites, beans, nuts, and tofu.

Limit added sugar

Some foods, like fruit, are sweet naturally. Foods, like ice cream and baked desserts like cakes and beverages, have added sugars to make them taste sweet. These sugars add calories but not vitamins or fiber. Try to consume less than 10 percent of your daily calories from added sugars in food and beverages. Reach for an apple or banana instead of a candy bar.

Eat dinner with your family. 

When you eat home-cooked meals with your family, you are more likely to consume healthy foods. Having meals together also gives you a chance to reconnect with each other and share news about your day. You can get involved in grocery shopping and meal planning at home. 

Going food shopping and planning and preparing meals with family members or friends can be fun. Not only can you choose a favorite grocery store, and healthy foods and recipes, but you also have a chance to help others in your family eat healthy too.

Get Moving

Physical activity should be part of your daily life, whether you play sports, take physical education (PE) classes in school, do chores, or get around by biking or walking. Regular physical activity can help you manage your weight, have stronger muscles and bones, and be more flexible.

You can try brisk walking, jogging, or biking. Daily activities, such as cleaning your room or taking out the trash, can keep you active.

Have fun with your friends 

Being active can be more fun with other people, like friends or family members. You may also find that you make friends when you get active by joining a sports team or dance club. Mix things up by choosing a different activity each day.

 Try playing outdoor games like cricket, football or other activities that get you moving, like walking around the park. Make your friends join you and challenge them to be healthy with you.

Don’t go for rapid changes as changing your habits can be hard and it takes time to adapt to new habits· Set one realistic goal for each day like not eating fries, get your parents to help you achieve your goal.



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