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Motivations to Stay Happy

Looking for Motivation?

You rise and fall many times in your life, but what encourages you to rise again after every failure or barrier in your life is Motivation. In fact, motivation is the real happiness in your life as it makes you dream, desire, achieve, fight and rise above obstacles.

Motivation works hand in hand with your happiness giving you inner strength, stamina, willpower, courage and determination. So, you need to develop a sense of purpose in life, keep yourself happy and stay motivated.

Do I need motivation?

·        Yes, motivation is extremely important because it provides you with a goal to work on, sense of purpose, helps you solve your problems, and change your old habits.

·        Each of us is unique and motivation helps us reflect on that uniqueness and shape it. Something which results in improved performance, enhanced well-being, personal growth, or a sense of purpose.

·        Motivation is a path to change the way you think, feel, believe and behave.

·        It is crucial to find ways to increase motivation at an early age as it allows you to change your attitude, develop competencies, be creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop talents, and gain success.

·        Motivation makes you present your best self in whatever task you do.

Low motivation issues

Often, we call people lazy who do nothing, but that can be a case of low motivation. But low motivation can be a common symptom of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

 If there are such problems then seek help from a professional counselor can be sought. It can easily be recognized in someone if he/she is easily overwhelmed, have no idea what is needed from life, loses control of physical health, lacks ambition, procrastinates all the time and feels lost.

Positives of motivation

Among many other effects, motivation brings many positives to your life, such as

·        Improved self-confidence.

·        Enhanced self-discipline.

·        Courage to challenge ourselves to reach the desired goal.

·        Desire to stretch beyond our perceived limits.

Who can motivate you?

It will sound strange that you are not only the best person to motivate you, but you are also the only one who can motivate you. You are the best person to read your mind and your thoughts.

How you are going to respond to a particular situation is also up to you. You have far more power to control your mind, body and actions than you realize, and it starts with motivating yourself.

How to stay motivated?

You need to simplify the ambiguous task of motivating yourself by following some basic rules and believe me you will find yourself highly motivated.

·        Put aside some me-time, for the things you love to do most whether it is a music session or a daily walk. The idea is to free your mind from all kinds of chores and pressures you face in your daily routine and create some happy moments daily. A happy and tension-free mind will keep you motivated always.

·        Reward yourself for every single achievement with gifts, treats or anything you like. You will definitely look forward to achieving more and plan for every single achievement.

·        Keep the company of positive people around you, for they will encourage and motivate you and help you realize your goal.

·        Help needy people, helping and empathizing with the needy will develop a sense of fulfillment in you. It will ultimately make you understand that you can do more for others if you are in a better position to do so.

·        Imagine your successful persona, often imaginations and dreams help you in your journey to achieve something. It can also help you set your goal and steps to achieve that.

·        Stay away from distractions, as distractions like social media, and mobile games are something that makes you lose focus and make you an entertainment seeker. To stay motivated, you should always look to your goal and the ways to achieve it.

·        spend time with the people you love, it will relax your mind and you will realize that these people are always there to cushion you from all negative situations of life.

To stay happy and joyful, it is very important that your dreams are fulfilled. To get what you desire you need to motivate yourself a lot so that you work hard for it. Whether you are a student or professional our dreams and the desire to achieve them keeps us going. Keep your mind which is an immense energy source motivated always to achieve success.


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