Learning a New Language

 Learning a new language

A few days back, I was asked by a young friend of mine, a school-going teenager to write about the benefits of learning a new language. While exploring the topic I found out that learning a new language can be a great stimulator of the mind as well as brain cells and an ideal practice for mental well-being.

 But the question is when do we need to gather ourselves to learn a new language? Most of us think that school or college days are the best to learn and explore, but in reality, there is no age limit for learning. Learning starts when you decide and your interest drives you to greater heights.

When to learn a new language

Do you think you are too old to learn a new language? Well, the good news is that experts say you are never too old to learn new things in life. Anyone at any age can learn a new language.

In fact, it is even easier to start speaking in a native/foreign language now with all the advanced technology available on the market. There are trained instructors, apps and online material, audio and videos to constantly help you realize that learning is simple and easy if you want to learn.

Benefits of learning a new language

·        Learning a new language helps in improving your memory. You will find that your brain is working amazingly sharp when you apply it to learn a new skill, be it a new language.

·        As your mind adjust itself to shuffle between the languages you know, you will find your multitasking ability has enhanced.

·        While you enhance your language skills, your better memory due to your language skills improves your performance in other academic areas.

·        You will find yourself with improved verbal and spatial ability and improved creative thinking skills.

Steps to Learn a New Language

·        Write things down in a notebook whatever information you get or you learn about your new language and revisit it to familiarize yourself with the new language

·        Get musical in your language learning activity by listening to songs and poems in that language, this will improve your skills, especially pronunciation and you will get to learn new words.

·        Watch TV in your new language, besides knowing the language better you will learn to communicate and express well.

·        Make use of free foreign language podcasts and apps to constantly improve and upgrade your skills.

·        Read children's books and comic books in a foreign language.

·        Connect with language learners and teachers online as the classroom mode of learning can help you improve your communication skills and improve your fluency.

·        Change the language settings on your social networks as this may help you read, write and understand the new language while using your day-to-day work.

·        Finally, you need to open your mouth and have a go. Speak your new language without hesitation, initial mistakes will definitely happen, but you must correct yourself and practice again. Take risks and speak the language whenever you can.


Become polyglot

What is a polyglot? A polyglot is someone who has a deep love for languages in general. A Polyglot is one who is able to speak, use, and understand several languages with ease. Basically, polyglot is most often used to describe people who can speak more than three languages. If you speak two languages, you're called bilingual, if you speak three, you're called trilingual.

Besides improving your chances of landing a good job or career prospects, learning a second language can also give you an insight into other cultures. You will be more prepared and confident to travel the world and explore other people's ways of living. 


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