How to Reduce Calorie Intake

Reducing Calorie Intake

Reducing Calorie intake is the first step to starting weight management, better digestion and better living. But sometimes this first step becomes the most difficult step for most of us. Our mind which is conditioned to eat and crave unhealthy foods since childhood gives in to the temptations.

 This upsets the whole process of reducing calorie intake and weight management. Often we discuss our disappointment and frustration among ourselves and share different ideas to achieve calorie control which everyone seems to know. But the real thing is to achieve the goal of calorie control.

Why calories are needed?

We get calories from the food we eat, all major components of food protein, carbohydrates, and fats contain calories. The body needs these calories as they are the energy found in food. Your body needs these calories to keep working.

Whatever fad diet you use to lose weight the actual thing is to consume fewer calories and burn more. In other words, you need a calorie deficit. This is the one and the only thing required. But burning that many calories are difficult for most of us as lifestyle, age, food habit, strength and energy levels differ from person to person.

Let's discuss some possible methods to reduce calorie intake and calorie deficit.

1, Burn Calorie

A regular 30 minutes of daily physical activity or 150 minutes of weekly activity is needed at least to be active and fit. This is the best way to burn calories and achieve calorie control. Burn more calories than you consume by increasing your physical activity. If you eat proper calories but add more exercise, you'll create a caloric deficit simply by burning extra calories. This will only work if you're not overeating, to begin with.

It takes 20 steps to burn 1 calorie, so walking 10,000 steps burns off about 500 calories. The recommended daily calorie requirement is 1,800 for an average female and 2,200 for an average male.

One pound (1 kg=2.2 pound) equals 3,500 calories. So if your goal is to lose 1 pound per week, you'll need to burn about 500 to 1,000 more calories on average. It's also important to have a healthy diet plan to keep extra calories in check.

2, Start small

When you start eating your food try to be a little meager while putting food on your plate. Fill your plate with a small quantity of food avoiding high-calorie goodies. 

If you are eating outside then high-calorie food should be less in quantity. If you want to eat your favorite high-calorie food, then fill your plate with lots of salad after the first few servings. The fiber in the salad will make you feel full earlier, enhance vitamin intake and make your digestion better besides leading you to intake fewer calories.

3, Check food labels

If you are buying your food or its ingredients from outside, keep a check on the calorie chart printed on it. You need to keep your calorie target in mind while buying random food.

 Keeping a conscious effort to not order or buy junk food or high-calorie meal while you plan for calorie control is a must. Though it will sound impossible, food labels will help you find out about the calories and type of ingredients used.

Food labels will help you decide what to eat or what to avoid to reduce calorie intake.

4, Eat on a smaller plate

It is a good habit to eat on smaller plates to practice portion control. Sometimes most of us feel convenient eating from big tubs, buckets or packets of food like ice-creams, chips, munches or popcorn.

Believe me, this is not the best way if you want to achieve calorie control. As we tend to eat in larger quantities and lose track of the calories consumed. We end up loading ourselves with lots of food, more calories and guilt.

It is better to eat less, practice portion control and discover the benefits of reduced calorie intake.

5, Get back to weight loss basics

Start with a beginner's approach to achieving calorie control for weight loss. Eat high-protein food that will satiate your hunger with a lesser quantity of food. You will get full in fewer calories. 

Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices and eat more fibre in food. Fibrous food is less in calories and will fill your tummy faster. Eating lots of fruits and raw veggies in the salad will fill your tummy fast and help you with calorie control. Instead of fine grains shift to wholegrain alternatives to increase nutrition and reduce calorie intake.

6, Healthy snacking

You must always look for snacks that are low in sugar, fat, and salt. The snacks you should look for must be high in nutrients such as fibre and protein. Beans, nuts, and raw vegetables and fruits are often good choices. They definitely help a person feel fuller and provide the necessary nutrients.

Just try to avoid refined carbs like sugar, candy, and white bread. Try to keep your protein intake high and If your goal is to lose weight fast reduce your carb intake. Snack on fruits like apples and bananas with peanut butter, wholegrain popcorn, mixed nuts, soups, cooked whole grains and beans. They provide lots of nutrition and energy to your body.

7, Shun soft drinks

If you want to reach a calorie deficit, drinking soda and other sugary or sports drinks will seriously hinder your calorie control and weight loss goals. It is doubtful that you can enter a calorie deficit while drinking so much liquid sugar that only adds up your calorie intake and body fat storage.

 Soda is high in calories and doesn't curb hunger and makes you easily consume a high number of calories. Research also shows that people who frequently drink soda have a high percentage of fat in their bodies.

Even diet soda might not be great to gulp down too much even though it has 0 calories as not much data is available regarding their adverse effect on health.

Beverages that are low in calories but high in nutrition are good options when you're trying to lose weight. Skim and soy milk both fit that bill. Plant-based milk substitutes, like almond milk, typically have fewer calories than cow's milk but less protein, so they're not necessarily better for weight loss.

Read more about healthy beverages

8, Improve unhealthy food habits

Certain food habits which we cultivate as a child should be relooked into and changed. As you grow from child to adult start adapting to a healthier lifestyle. It is always suggested to enhance good food habits from childhood.

Things you really need to change for calorie control are:

1.    cutting high-calorie treats will be better for you.

2.    Fried foods must be avoided.

3.    Buy thinner-crust pizza to consume lesser nonfibrous flour.

4.    Don’t drink too many soft drinks

5.    Use less sauce as it contains extra salt and sugar.

6.    Don’t add sugar to tea or coffee, as they taste better without it.

7.    Don’t store junk food in your house.

8.    Don’t go for large-size packs if you order meals as you will tend to consume more calories.

9.    Skip dishes with extra cheese or cheesy dips as they can spoil your plan if you are on a calorie control spree.

9, Adopt healthy food habits

If you want to achieve your weight loss target fast and acquire calorie control with ease you need to look into adopting healthy habits. Some of the healthier habits for calorie control are as follows:

1.    Stop taking a second helping you will tend to overeat this way.

2.    Avoid alcohol to stop calories and weight gain.

3.    Ask for a doggie bag when eating out and eat an extra meal at home later on.

4.    Bulk up your meals with lots of vegetables

5.    Eat your meals slowly, chewing them properly and letting the brain signal you to stop eating.

6.    Always go for a low-calorie starter.

7.    Dink water before meals, so that you will feel full early.

8.    Often make your own food at home.

9.    Use smaller plates to practice portion control.

10. Count your calories while eating during the entire day.

11. Don’t finish everything on the plate and don’t eat too much.

12. Eat mini versions of your favourite sweet for calorie control.

13. Include protein in every meal, this will help you to get full in fewer calories.

Calorie control is a bigger challenge than eating healthy food. You need to be aware and constantly work on yourself. You should know what to eat and when to stop. Let’s practice healthier habits and avoid unhealthy habits to achieve calorie control.



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