Food to Increase Calcium Intake

Food to Increase Calcium Intake 

An average adult needs 1000 mg of calcium every day and women especially those who are above 50 require 1200 mg of it. As calcium is one of the important minerals required by the human body it is integral to bone and muscle health and its deficiency can lead to many health problems including osteoporosis. Generally, people tend to increase the consumption of dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese to take care of their daily calcium needs but there are many other ways and food choices which can help fulfil our calcium requirement without depending too much on dairy products.

Ways to increase calcium intake

1.    Drink skim milk, fortified soy milk or milkshakes made out of toned milk instead of soft drinks.

2.    Add milk to tea or coffee in the morning.

3.    If you like to drink packed juices prefer fortified juices, especially orange juice.

4.    Include leafy vegetables in your diet like spinach, turnip and fruits like figs.

5.    Have oatmeal or fortified cereal with milk for breakfast.

6.    Take a daily supplement of calcium.

7.    For snacks have yoghurt-based food like fruit smoothies made out of yoghurt.

Non-dairy calcium-rich food

Many food items are there which are non-dairy, which means they can easily be consumed by vegans or those who are lactose intolerant and are not able to digest dairy products. Though milk, cheese and yoghurt are the main sources of calcium there are certain other food items on which we can depend for our calcium needs. These food items are-

Soy Milk

One cup of fortified soy milk contains calcium in the same amount as found in the same quantity of cow milk. Fortified soy milk contains calcium carbonate. Soy milk also contains vitamin D so it is very much popular with young kids as it replenishes both calcium and vitamin D in their bodies. Above all, it is lactose-free and has less saturated fat in comparison to whole milk. Although soy milk is healthy it can cause side effects such as bloating and constipation in a few people.

Chia seeds

2 tablespoons of chia seeds can provide 179 mg of calcium and comparing it with 200 ml of whole milk provides 150 mg of calcium. Though you cannot have chia seeds directly as they absorb water quickly and you can choke on them if consume them directly. They can be consumed by adding them to fruit smoothies or adding them to oatmeal or yoghurt. Chia seeds are also a big source of boron, a mineral which is great for bone and muscle health by metabolizing calcium and phosphorus present in the body.


One cup of almonds contains 385 mg of calcium which is more than one-third of the recommended daily amount (RDA). But it is not good to consume that much quantity of almonds daily as one cup of almonds also contain 72 grams of fat and 838 calories. So, a lesser quantity of a quarter cup will be more beneficial for your health and overall calcium intake.

Dried figs

Figs are a good source of both calcium and potassium. These minerals can work together to improve bone density, which can, in turn, prevent conditions like osteoporosis. Studies suggest that a potassium-rich diet, in particular, can improve bone health and reduce bone turnover. A fistful of dried figs contains 165 mg of calcium.


Tofu is made by solidifying soy milk in a process known as coagulation, typically by using calcium sulfate. Due to this tofu contains a whopping 350mg of calcium per 100g. Calcium found in plant-based milk, plant-based yoghurts and tofu is absorbed in the same rate as those found in cow’s milk. Therefore, tofu which is called soy paneer or soy milk should be a vital part of a plant-based diet. Tofu has 192% more calcium than milk - milk has 120mg of calcium per 100 grams and tofu has 350mg of calcium.

If you need to enhance calcium in your diet then opt for tofu made with calcium sulfate. This variety of tofu is remarkably rich in calcium. It's an especially good choice if you are vegan or lactose intolerant, as it will provide you with a big dose of calcium with every serving. Eating tofu and other soy foods every day is generally considered safe.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain 78 mg of calcium in 100 mg of it along with vitamin A. It is a good source of calcium but it should not be taken every day but occasionally as it may lead to hypercalcaemia (too much calcium in the bloodstream) and constipation.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are a good source of calcium. One tablespoon of sesame seeds provides 87.80 milligrams (mg) of calcium. About 100 grams of sesame seeds provide a whopping 975 milligrams of calcium. Compare this to milk and you'll find that 100 ml of milk offers only 125 milligrams.

 Sesame seeds contain essential phytonutrients that help in lowering cholesterol levels apart from strengthening the bones Sesame seeds are also known to prevent and cure osteoporosis which is the deterioration of the bones. This disease mostly affects elderly people and is related to the low mineral density of the bones. But since sesame seeds are loaded with zinc they can help prevent osteoporosis as well.

Soaking, roasting, or sprouting sesame seeds can improve absorption of these minerals Eat 1/2- 1 tablespoon or as per your taste roasted Sesame seeds in a day. 2. Or, you can also add Sesame seeds to salads as per your taste


Broccoli is rich in calcium and low in oxalate. This explains the high absorption rate of calcium at 40.9%, which is even higher than in milk (32.1%). Most of the minerals in broccoli are retained during cooking because they stand up to heat and water better than vitamins. If you steam, stir-fry or roast your broccoli, you'll get 100 % of its minerals, The stalk contains the most fibre, while broccoli leaves are highest in cell-protecting antioxidants, vitamins E and K, and calcium. one cup of cooked broccoli contains about 45 mg of calcium, but the absorption from broccoli is much higher at around 50-60%

Food that blocks calcium absorption

If the levels of vitamin D in your body are low then your body's calcium absorption levels also drop. This happens in persons who are malnourished or those who do have enough daily sun exposure. Sometimes kidney issues like any sort of renal failure or any other kidney disease or infection constantly drain the levels of calcium from your blood. There are certain food or drinks that block the absorption of calcium in your body. These are:

1.    Alcohol and salt if present in high levels in your bloodstream can prove to be extremely dangerous as these kinds of food items act like a catalyst for flushing out calcium from your bloodstream. As levels of calcium in the blood decrease, the body reabsorbs the calcium from the bones to maintain its proper functioning. Calcium flushing makes the bones to become porous, which can lead to the condition of osteoporosis.

2.    Soft drinks and carbonated soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can increase calcium excretion in your urine. And nearly all soft drinks lack calcium. To minimize calcium flushing avoid eating foods that have a sodium content higher than 20 percent of the daily recommended value. Avoid or abstain from drinking alcoholic drinks or don’t drink more than two or three alcoholic drinks a day if you have to.

3.     Spinach is naturally high in calcium, but it is also high in oxalic acid and The body is unable to process the calcium it provides. So spinach should be eaten for its other nutrients but not for calcium.

4.    Processed foods provide the biggest contribution of salts to our body and they should be best avoided. Processed foods supply 75% of the sodium we eat. It leads to the demineralization of bones leading to osteoporosis, thinning of bones and put breaks to the increase in height of kids.

Signs of calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency also called hypocalcaemia makes a person suffer many aches and pains. A person with a calcium deficiency may experience muscle aches, cramps, and spasms, pain in the thighs and arms when walking or moving, confusion or memory loss, depression, easy fracturing of the bones numbness and tingling in the hands, arms, feet, and legs, as well as around the mouth.

The calcium level in the blood can be moderately low without causing any symptoms. If levels of calcium are low for long periods, people may develop dry scaly skin, brittle nails, and coarse hair. Muscle cramps involving the back and legs are common.

Relation between vitamin D and calcium

·        Calcium and vitamin D both are essential nutrients for good health. If you consider bone health then you need calcium to build and maintain strong bones.

·        Calcium also plays a role in muscular movement and cardiovascular function.

·        99% of the body’s calcium is present in bones and teeth. Every cell in your body requires calcium whether our heart, nerves, bones or muscles.

·        As you age, calcium absorption from food becomes less and as a result body fulfils its calcium requirement from bones causing osteoporosis.

·        Vitamin D helps the body take calcium from the diet, lack of vitamin D causes rickets, a condition with soft and deformed bones due to lack of minerals in bone tissues.

Best calcium for bones

Though the best way to take calcium is through a diet of mainly dairy products and other lactose-free products for those who are lactose intolerant, if you are vitamin D deficient or have certain health conditions then you will be needing both calcium and vitamin D supplements. Before taking any supplement consult your medical practitioner. 

The two main forms of calcium supplements are carbonate and citrate. Calcium carbonate is the cheapest and therefore often a good first choice. Other forms of calcium in supplements include gluconate and lactate. Some calcium supplements are combined with vitamins and other minerals. For instance, some calcium supplements may also contain vitamin D or magnesium.

Look for the amount of elemental calcium in the supplement and tolerability of your body as some may suffer from constipation, gas or bloating due to calcium intake. 

Remember too less or too much calcium can cause problems in your body and you need to maintain the balance


Anonymous said…
Excellent 📚

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