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Pseudo-grains & their Benefits

 What are Pseudo-grains

Human awareness knows no boundary when it comes to food, he/she continues to explore, experiment and introduce new food on the platter with a keen eye on taste and nutritional quality. 

After the traditional rice and wheat, millets and oats were prevalent among healthy food lovers then came pseudo-grains, a new grain variety that instantly became very popular as they provide healthier eating options. 

As the name suggests pseudo-grains are not genuine grains but they look like grains and cook like grains. They are accepted as whole grains because of their nutrient value and their great source of protein, fiber and minerals, making them great for managing weight, digestive health, and diabetes. 

Popular pseudo-grains like quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are actually the seeds just like our regular grains and do not belong to the conventional grain family Poaceae, botanically speaking. But they are considered as wholegrains by the Whole Grain Council for the sake of consistency and inclusion. This group of ‘grains’ also has the benefit of being gluten-free for those who need to avoid gluten.

Are pseudo-grains healthy?

Nutritionally speaking, pseudo-grains are quite healthy, in fact, healthier and superior to our traditional grains

·   They are rich in low glycemic carbohydrates and have essential nutrients like vitamin B and minerals like calcium, manganese and iron in them.

·    Pseudo-grains like buckwheat are high in protein and boost immunity and help in digestion.

·    They are gluten-free and easy to digest, absorb and assimilate.

·    Lower cholesterol, blood sugar and diabetes.

·    Reduces the dangers of cancer.

·    Help reduces body weight

Popular pseudo-grains

Pseudo grains are full of a wide variety of nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. The most popular pseudo-grains are amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and chia seed.

1.    Quinoa

Quinoa is an edible seed that is extremely popular among diet-conscious people. Pronounced as KEEN-WAH, it is the ultimate superfood with a good source of protein as well as fiber for vegetarians as it is rich in essential amino acids. It has a fluffy, creamy and crunchy texture. 

This pseudo-grain is gluten-free and helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Quinoa consumption significantly reduces cholesterol and body weight. It is a good source of folate, magnesium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron.

 It is positively beneficial for gut health and body weight management. It needs to be stored in an airtight container or in a refrigerator if needed to store for a long.

2.   Amaranth

Amaranth is also called  RAMDANA or RAJGIRA. It is called a superfood as it is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. 

It is good for brain health and vitality as one serving of it can fulfill your daily requirement of manganese which support the proper functioning of the brain. Antioxidants present in it prevent cancer and heart disease.

Due to its high fiber content, it helps in digestion and weight loss. It is a good source of potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. it is high in protein than many other grains.

It is filled with essential oils that lower blood pressure and cholesterol. The consumption of amaranth also reduces the inflammation or swelling in the body caused by diabetes, cancer or other auto-immune diseases.

3.    Buck wheat

Buckwheat is also called KUTTU. In India, it is consumed during the traditional period of fasting like Navratri and Janmashtami. It is helpful in lowering cholesterol levels, helps prevent heart disease, boosts immunity and helping in digestion.

It is a good source of protein, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin B. it is suitable for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains.

 It has a high amount of antioxidants and rutin which help the body use vitamin C better, enhance collagen production for fresh-looking skin and strengthen blood vessels for better blood circulation.

 It is zero gluten as it is safe for persons suffering from celiac disease, at the same time beneficial for diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract like diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Buckwheat flour is used generally and is refrigerated to prevent spoiling.

4.    Chia seed

Chia seeds contain fiber, protein and antioxidants and they are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds are naturally tiny and tasteless but are added to meals to increase their nutritional value. They can absorb water in large quantities. Chia seeds can be used as whole seed, flour or seed oil.

It is considered a superfood that has superior quality of omega-3 fatty acids. The significant amount of protein present in chia seed helps in minimizing the problem of protein-energy malnutrition. It is provided as a protein diet to persons suffering from health issues like diabetes and obesity. 

The antioxidants present in it have beneficial effects like anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic and preventing neurological disorders.

How to consume-Quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and chia seeds

1.  You can make a plant-based protein-rich meal of quinoa by combining properly washed and boiled quinoa with beans, tofu, mixed vegetables, salt and spices.

2.  If you want to eat quinoa differently add coconut milk, fresh fruits, walnut, cinnamon powder and honey.

3.  Amaranth can be soaked overnight and cooked as a sweet breakfast porridge or can be put in the dough. 

It can also be cooked like rice or puffed like popcorn and can be made into ladoo too

4.  Buckwheat can be pre-soaked and eaten raw or cooked to be eaten as sweet or salty porridge or soup. 

During the fasting period, buckwheat flour can be used to make muffins, parathas and pancakes.

5.  Chia seeds can be soaked in water or milk and added whole or ground to juices and smoothies, and can be mixed with oatmeal or salad.


Eating them dry may result in choking as they absorb water almost 10 to 12 times their weight.

let us adopt the pseudo grains in our daily diet and enjoy the numerous health benefits provided by them


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