Natural Detox at home
Detox or cleansing is the purification of the bloodstream of toxic substances that we can do ourselves, by simply following certain measures at home and in our daily life.
This process will lead to the removal and elimination of toxins from blood, liver and in turn our body. After a detox process, the body removes toxins from the kidney, intestine, lungs, lymphatic system and skin.
Common Detox methods
Experts sometimes recommend the use of laxatives, diuretics, vitamins, minerals and cleansing foods. But this detox diet may sometimes harm you or pose a risk to your health.
Natural means of detoxification are those which provide a lasting boost to health and make your inner self feel healthier and happier.
Toxins in our body
Toxins present in our body can be in the chemical. Toxins that are a byproduct of certain body functions like digestion, respiration and excretion are natural toxins. Toxins that leach into our bodies through bottled water, chemicals in polluted air, food cans and pesticides from dairy and poultry are chemical toxins.
Toxins are found all over the world in the environment and become part of the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissues of animals. Natural toxins are also found in plants infested with molds.
All those toxic substances present in the human body are poisonous to human health. When we detox, the toxins like urea, uric acid, Ammonia, creatinine and industrial toxins are released from the body.
When to detox the body
Certain physical and mental changes appear when our body is suffering from the inside and we feel the need to detoxify. These changes can be-
· Unexplained fatigue
· Poor digestion
· Repeated illness due to infection
· Regular mood swings
· Depression
· Constant feeling of irritation
· Attention-deficit
· Acidity and bloating
· Allergies
· Swollen and puffy eyes
· Acne and other skin infections
Detox Measures
Home can be the best place to carry out the detoxification and internal cleansing of our body. Few people often visit ayurvedic centres for the detoxification process but if we strictly follow the rules we will be able to detoxify ourselves regularly within the comforts of our homes.
As our body is always receptive to the process of detoxification, no specific diet or supplements are needed for it.
The result of detoxification is improved health, weight loss and better liver functioning. We need to take certain steps to detox at home.
1. Limit alcohol consumption
2. Quality sleep
3. Drink more water
4. Reduce intake of sugar and processed food
5. Eat antioxidant-rich food
Food such as berries, citrus fruits, nuts, cocoa, vegetables like capsicum, and broccoli and beverages like coffee and green tea has a high amount of antioxidants.
These antioxidants like vitamins C and E are generally termed natural substances that prevent or delay some type of cell damage. Eating food full of antioxidants helps the body fight the oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
6. Eating food with probiotics
7. Decreasing salt intake
8. Regular exercise
9. Eating sulfur-containing food
Sulfur-containing food like garlic, onion, coffee and cruciferous veggies like mustard leaves, broccoli and radishes help in the natural detox of the liver on regular basis.
Sulfur is a naturally occurring compound in protein-rich food and certain vegetables and excellent for the health of hair, skin and nails.
Eating a sulfur-rich diet detoxifies your body naturally, without the sulfur body cannot detoxify itself from environmental toxins and pollutants.
10. Start the day with warm water
Warm water and freshly squeezed lemon juice are good to start the day with. This drink has the potential to boost metabolism and improve digestion if taken on an empty stomach.
Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and potassium, and help in liver detox and alkalizing the body. They are also a proven diuretic and help prevent bloating.
11. Fasting
12. Swapping caffeinated drinks
Swapping caffeine-containing drinks like tea and coffee with green tea promotes metabolism and leads to weight loss. In comparison, your normal tea leads to reduced iron absorption, increased anxiety, stress and restlessness, nausea and heartburn.
13. Avoid packaged fruit juice
Packaged fruit juice contains a high amount of added sugar, preservatives, and colours. Switch to fresh fruit juice which is loaded with fibres that are good for our gut health. Besides fibres, fresh juice is also full of vitamins and minerals and beneficial for the body.
Food that detoxes
We need to have certain food items daily to cleanse our system and balance out the toxic stuff that we have inadvertently taken in along with certain food items like fast food. the food items that help in natural detoxification can be those which help us feel lighter and fresher, are as follows-
1. Lemon is super detoxicating, helps in bile flow to encourage digestion and is rich in antioxidants.
2. Apples are full of fibres, good for cleansing the intestinal tracts and clearing accumulated toxins.
3. Garlic has high sulfur content and which helps the liver neutralizes toxins, and tones the skin making your hair lustrous.
4. Flaxseed is full of fibres soluble as well as insoluble, which helps in internal cleansing.
5. Broccoli is called the healthiest food, full of nutrients like vitamins, and keeps safe from weight gain, PMS and even cancer.
6. Celery lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
7. Ginger contains vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, besides minerals like phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc and potassium.
8. Beets are loaded with plant pigments and nutrient that help the liver and contains antioxidant betalains that help repair and regenerate cells in the liver.
9. Turmeric boosts liver detox by helping enzymes to remove dietary carcinogens.
Drinks to detox
Drinking water is the fastest way to flush out toxins from the body. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water daily. To detoxify the body juices, smoothies and herbal tea are taken and they also add up to the count. Besides water few watery concoctions are also popular for detox.
1. Mint tea eases bloating, reduces stress, fever and bad breath, helps in digestion refreshes and acts as a stimulant.
2. Ginger and lemon tea prevent nausea, cold and flu, is beneficial for diabetics, relieves indigestion, is good for weight loss and boosts immunity.
3. Fenugreek water acts as an antacid, treats high cholesterol and promotes weight loss, reduces inflammation inside the body and helps control diabetes.
4. Turmeric tea reduces arthritis symptoms, boosts immune function, manages irritable bowel syndrome and protects against liver damage and gallstone.
5. Chamomile tea cures sleep disorder regulates blood sugar, boosts the immune system and cures headaches and spasms.
Benefits of detoxification
Toxins are removed by taking detox measures to get removed from the gall bladder to bile and then to the bowels or from the kidney to urine.
1. Better liver health
This is the greatest benefit one can achieve by detoxifying his/her body. The liver is one of the most important organs of our body and the health of the liver is related to a person’s health. If the liver is healthy and detoxified, it rejuvenates the whole body.
If the liver is sluggish then our body is not going to function well. The liver removes toxins from our body and converts nutrients into a form easily assimilating into our body.
As we know liver takes out alcohol from our blood and cleanses it. But it also produces bile which melts down the fats in our body.
If we eat fruits, vegetables and healthy food like whole grains in sufficient quantity, we free our liver from overworking. By avoiding alcohol, junk food, and fatty and fried food, we will allow the liver to produce an ample amount of bile. Bile produced in sufficient quantity will break down fat and remove the situation of excess fat buildup in the body.
2. Better sleep
Certain stimulants like sugar-laden cold drinks, excess caffeine, and some food items full of excess salt, monosodium glutamate and alcohol create toxins in our bodies. This creates an excess load on your body to function properly and a feeling of tiredness sets in.
Detoxifying ourselves frequently removes this excess pressure from our body paving the way for the organs like the liver and intestine to function smoothly.
If our internal system will work normally our nervous system will also be normal and in turn, keep our minds calm. A calm mind will promote sleep and proper sleep is fantastic for a healthy mind and body.
3. Realistic weight management
Detox encourages everyone who undergoes it to eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. This shift in eating habits and lifestyle changes is the best means to lose weight naturally.
If followed religiously the person having a problem with weight gain will be able to reduce weight.
4. Increased energy and Clearer thinking
Most people who undertook detox sessions previously assert that they have found an energy boost and increased mental focus. Daily self-detox, as well as Ayurvedic detox, also show similar effects.
Experts believe that internal cleansing accompanied by the removal of toxins due to detox results in better metabolism, better digestion and increased absorption of nutrients. This results in energized and refreshed body and mind keeping you away from distraction and stress.