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How to Breathe Easily

Breathing is the most important body function on which the survival of your life depends. Breathing fresh air is all you need to live, sustain your life and perform all important life functions. But the earth is not the same anymore, for many -many years it is full of pollutants, chemicals and smoke.

The atmosphere is filled with all these pollutants and irritants as a result most people are forced to inhale polluted air while they are outdoors. Homes are no better, there is a serious lack of fresh air as indoor air quality suffers from the smoke and heat that comes from our homes.

The question is how you can breathe easily, how can you get that fresh air that can help you to breathe freely without the fear of any pollutants. As pollution is everywhere you need to take care of when to venture out and when to stay in according to the weather and temperature. It is essential to improve your breathing effectively as the air you breathe in can be an important factor in your overall health and well-being. 

Breathing is an unconscious process, when you are breathing easily without any effort and your breath is silent, your abdomen expands after every inhalation and contracts after every exhalation, it is called proper breathing. Proper breathing starts from the nose and moves to the stomach. Your belly expands, your diaphragm contracts and your lungs are filled with fresh air. 

How to breathe easily

1.    Concentrate on nose breathing

Nose breathing is a more beneficial process than mouth breathing. Nose breathing is natural and helps the body effectively and efficiently use the inhaled air. There are ways to slow down and relax your breath by breathing through your nose. 

During nasal breathing, the nose releases nitric oxide which helps in oxygen transport. While breathing through the nose, the nose can filter the allergens from the air and humidify inhaled air. Mouth breathing is necessary when you are breathing through your mouth due to nasal congestion, small nostrils or a deviated septum. With mouth breathing your mouth loses moisture and you can inhale unfiltered air and allergens.

2.    Drink warm liquids

    Hot fluids increase the velocity of nasal mucus, so hot chicken soup, tomato soup,  green tea, herbal tea or warm water are good to unchoke the nasal passage and help in breathing. If you are prone to seasonal flu, cold and cough, sipping lukewarm water can help in relieving the congestion in the chest as well as the nasal cavity. 

3.    Adjust the sleeping position

Some adjustment in sleeping position is required to breathe easily if you have some breathing issues due to respiratory problems. Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs and your head elevated with pillows. 

If you lie on your back keep your head elevated and knees bent, with a pillow under your knees. Your lung capacity is lower when you lie flat on your back, so keep your head higher than your body. Both these positions will help you reduce shortness of breath and breathe easily.

5.    Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is required to have a healthy respiratory system, as both being overweight and underweight can create breathing issues. If you are overweight it can make breathing harder whereas being underweight will make your breathing muscles weaker and your body will have less strength to perform daily chores.

 If you are overweight losing a few kilos can help you breathe easily as excess belly fat can reduce the amount of air your lungs can hold when you inhale. The best way to maintain a healthy weight is to stay hydrated, eat more fiber and reduce belly fat.

 6.    Flu vaccine

Cold and flu can trigger asthma attacks and they are the most common reason for asthma flareup in elderly and young kids. To stop your sneeze to become a wheeze, a yearly flu shot need to be taken. People who get annual yearly shots appear to have better immune responses to influenza.

7.    Avoid smoking

Smoking is injurious to respiratory health, though if you stop smoking it will improve your lung function and slowly symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath will become less frequent. Leading a normal and healthy life without smoking will definitely make you breathe easily.

 8.    Improve indoor air quality

Indoor air pollution can be reduced by conscious lifestyle choices, otherwise, air pollution even at home can lead to respiratory diseases in children, the elderly and people with asthma are at greater risk.

 Allow proper ventilation and let fresh air come inside your home, though this measure is not always feasible due to extreme temperature and air pollutants outside. Use less energy in your home, as you have gadgets, appliances, and electronic products and all of them use electricity that create heat and add up to air pollution. 

By reducing energy use, you can help improve indoor air quality, curb greenhouse gases and in this way encourage energy independence and save money. Use hand-powered equipment where ever possible. Don’t allow anyone to smoke or burn incense inside your house.  Ensure that your Gas stove is kept in a well-ventilated place to limit the presence of harmful gases like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

9.    Singing regularly

One of the best ways to improve breathing is singing. Singing has similar features that are used in physiotherapy and breathing techniques for managing breathlessness and airway clearance. Remember while singing you breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth and nose. The controlled nature of breath during singing increases lung capacity and increases the amount of oxygen in your blood. This way you can breathe easily and improve your lung capacity.

 Return to the trees

Trees produce oxygen and clean carbon dioxide out of the air we breathe. Trees remove airborne particles from the air we breathe, which decreases respiratory illnesses like asthma. One tree produces roughly 260 pounds of oxygen each year which means 2 trees can provide oxygen enough for a family of four. 

But this is a rare resource these days. Not something which we can order and receive in a few days. Many years of life are invested to grow trees, so the moral is to grow plants and trees around you as your future investment. But for immediate use do grow indoor plants like aloe vera, peace lily and snake plants which improve indoor air quality in your homes and make sure you have grown enough plants around you.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for another nice article...good read!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful article...............Rimjhim
Thanks Rimjhim, for taking out time to read my posts
thanks for your appreciation

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