Explore the Microgreens
Microgreens are the latest trend to grow veggies in the interior of your homes and it is a new revolution spreading among plant and gardening enthusiasts. It shows the love of people towards green vegetables, their nutritional value and their desire to grow and nurture their microgreen plants themselves. Microgreens mean micro + green which means the tiny versions of popular vegetables and herbs that generally are better in taste and freshness in comparison to their fully grown version. Actually, they are the intermediate stage between sprouts and baby greens. They cannot be termed as sprouts, as the sprouts are germinated in water or wet cloth whereas microgreens are grown in soil and are harvested at an early stage. They can be used as nutrition supplements, a flavor and visual and textual enhancement. Facts about microgreens 1. Microgreens are great sources of vitamins A, C, E and K and it is good to consume them raw rather than cooked. 2. ...