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How to replace Negativity with Positivity

How to Replace Negativity with Positivity

The mind is restless, running into its own monologue throughout the day. It is full of thoughts, watching people through the sidelines, taking note of their behavior, their good or bad words. A thoughtful mind in a restless person constantly analyzes situations around and has its own interpretations. 

Sometimes negative thoughts like fear, anger, jealousy, bitterness and frustration become permanent inhabitants of the mind and trouble it so much that they leave negativity around the person, leaving him pessimistic, stressed, skeptical and disagreeable. This negativity is needed to be controlled or changed into positivity at any cost otherwise it will make a person confused, angry and frustrated always. Some of the measures you can take to bring positivity around you are as follows;

1.    Take a breather

Don't rush into things if you are stressed from your daily routine. Learn to give yourself a break to relax and rejuvenate. Go easy on yourself and you will find yourself free from all those negative thoughts affecting you and your actions. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body and get ready for the next round of your life.

2.    Go for a walk or run

If you are stressed and stuck in a negative thinking pattern try to overcome it by going for a walk or a run. It will sharpen your brain while at the same time enhancing your sleep. It will boost the secretion of endorphins in your brain which will ease your stress, fatigue and anger. In this way, while you are tackling the negativity in your mind you will end up strengthening your bones and leg muscles.

3.    Be creative, cook, draw or paint

It is believed that the energy, attitude, intention and feeling you have while cooking a dish gets infused into the food. Try conscious cooking to ward off all the negative thoughts in your mind. Think of your loved ones and try to prepare a meal full of love, compassion and gratitude, these positive thoughts will fill in positivity in you. Sometimes kitchen eases the stress and restlessness of your mind easily.

Similarly, other hobbies like doodling, sketching and painting are stress busters and help in unclogging your mind of all negative thoughts.

4.     Help Someone

To bring positive energy into your life, ward off negativity from your mind by helping people in need. Try to create a happy-to-help group with the help of your peers. This is will make you realize that all the anger and frustration that has become integral to your personality simply melts away when a caring and loving side of you takes over. When you will develop a purpose in your life then the positive thoughts in you will drive you to do good deeds and banish negativity from your mind. 

5.     Listen to music that mellows you down

 Everything in this world is driven by energy, even music is energy. Good music has the ability to calm an agitated mind. Whenever you are in doubt, then listening to some soul-stirring soft notes will help you sort out the problem. Some experts recommend high-vibration music that can help raise your frequency. Spiritually inspired music and traditional music, both are high vibrational. It can uplift you and make you happy. Even chanting a mantra can remove negative thoughts from your mind.

6.     Meet friends and family  

      Integration with the people around you is a must if you are occupied with negative thoughts like anger, frustration and bitterness. You need friends and family always to talk and share whatever is disturbing you. Perhaps you can find someone having the same issues and similar problems will help both of you to bond better and unlock the solution positively.

7.     Write down your feelings      

     It is a journaling technique to take out all the negative emotions by writing them down. Don't stop till you are done with writing down all the inner angst on paper. Writing your feeling at a stretch helps to revisit the negative thought and takes out all your grudges and negativity towards it. Don't try to re-read it else you will again get back those negative thoughts. Use paper and pen to write your feelings but surely not the computer.

8.   Meditate      

      Meditation is called the power of positive thinking. It brings out the incredible force hidden inside you to achieve happiness, success and contentment. The negative emotions of anger, worry, fear and anxiety clogging our thoughts can be processed and changed into a positive attitude by meditation which brings love, health and success. It makes you gritty and tough to fight adversities in your life.

        Don't force positive thoughts on anyone or even yourself, identify what negative thoughts are doing to your thinking and behavior. Change your habits gradually and don't try to be a perfectionist. Live happily and purposefully in life.


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