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Healthy Beverages

Healthy Beverages

Though water is considered the healthiest and most refreshing lifesaving drink provided to us by nature, there are few beverages that are quite refreshing and good for our health as well as energy level.
 They are great in providing nutritive elements like vitamins and minerals to our body and elevating our mood.

Green tea

Green tea is composed of tannins, caffeine a bitter ingredient and lots of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and vitamin E. Together these vitamins provide antibacterial, antioxidant, detoxificant and anti-aging properties. 

Drinking green tea is good for the liver as vitamin C present in it facilitates the breakdown of alcohol, reduces blood sugar level and help in fighting bad cholesterol. It activates the intestine and helps in relieving chronic constipation. 

It is good for oral hygiene as it acts on germs present in the mouth and prevents bad breath and tooth decay. It has anti-cancer properties as tannins present in it suppress the mutation of cells.

Beet juice

It is a good source of folic acid, magnesium, potassium and nitrates. This drink is typically good for lowering blood pressure as well as cholesterol. 

It is best to take it in the morning one hour before breakfast. It is also helpful in strengthening muscles, especially the heart. 

The potassium present in beet juice relieves fatigue, weakness and muscle cramps. But you may pass colored urine which is harmless.

Lemon water

This is the best thing to start your day with, as it provides you the precious vitamin C that keeps all the daily infections away. It has many other properties that are absolutely essential for you like the acids present in lemons supplement the acids level of our stomach which decline as we age. 

It is weight loss friendly and its antioxidant properties keep the body cells safe from damage. The vitamin C contents of the lemon protect from cell damage and repair injuries. So to stay hydrated and for acne-free skin squeeze half a lemon in a glassful of water and enjoy it.

 Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron and potassium. While getting juiced most of the vitamin C gets lost, and mineral like potassium is retained which are good for heart health and keeps the artery wall safe from thickening. 

Pomegranate juice supports joint health and prevents osteoarthritis and inflammation diseases.

 Coconut water

Coconut water has an incredible taste and is termed a powerhouse of nutrients. It is a clear fluid made from young and tender coconut and has 95% of water and a negligible amount of fat. It is best recommended for strengthening immunity and for its soothing effects on the stomach. 

It is an energy booster and provides instant hydration and contains Lauric acid which fights bacterial infection and intestinal parasites. If taken before bedtime it reduces stress and provides relaxation to the body

Orange juice

orange juice is the most significant source of vitamin C. Every single cup of orange juice contains twice the daily recommended value of vitamin C. Orange juice is enriched with potassium, calcium and vitamin D and helps in regulating blood pressure, prevent bone loss and protect against heart disease and stroke.
 But its intake requires portion control as it is high in sugar and may lead to an increase in blood sugar.

Mint tea

Mint tea is often consumed for its amazing flavor and relieving effects from bloating, gas and indigestion. It also soothes the muscles of the intestine to prevent spasms. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties which help the opening of blocked sinus cavities. It is also a common remedy for flu and cold symptoms. Excess of it may cause heartburn and nausea.

Fat-free milk

Fat-free milk also called skimmed milk provides protein, calcium all the nutrients that are part of whole milk minus the fat. A reduced amount of fats make the milk healthier and provides fewer calories. It helps in weight loss and is good for bad cholesterol reduction properties.

Black coffee

Black coffee is simply a mixture of boiled water and a tablespoon of coffee powder without the addition of milk, sugar or honey. It is a boon for people who are lactose intolerant. 
A cup of black coffee is a good source It micronutrients such as sodium, manganese and riboflavin.
 It is a great drink to manage weight as it is calorie-free. It has a bitter taste but reduces the risk of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, liver cirrhosis and depression.  Caffeine present in it is known to stimulate the nervous system and improve physical performance.

Soy milk

Soy milk is healthy plant-based milk that supports muscle development and provides healthy fats of omega-3 fatty acids. This is a dairy-free source of milk made of soybeans and is good for vegans and lactose-intolerant people.
 It is good for the heart, and hair and has anti-aging properties.

Fruit smoothies

Smoothies are thick and creamy beverages, made of ingredients that are pureed together in a blender. These ingredients are fruits, vegetables, seeds, yogurt, nuts, juice, protein powder, spices and milk or water.
 It increases the consumption of fruits, vegetables and fibers,  providing nutritional balance and can be a good meal replacement. Smoothies in breakfast should be high in fiber and protein and snack smoothies should be low in sugar and calories.

Cucumber water

It is a healthy and nutritious drink, that is delicious and easy to make. It is good for providing instant hydration and lowering blood pressure. To make this healthy drink leave cucumber slices in water along with herbs like mint and refrigerate it for 5 to 7 hours.

 After refrigeration, remove the cucumber slices and have a refreshing drink. It contains vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium that help in rejuvenating yourself.

Water is the life-giving liquid, but to sustain that life beautifully, you need these refreshing beverages that will enrich you and contribute towards a healthy life. Try these beverages and let me know the difference you have felt. Let us share our experiences.


Fusion said…
Nice insight, thanks!

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