
Showing posts from July, 2022

Popular Wholegrains Food

Wholegrains food Grains are the edible seeds of plants and wholegrains are called the healthiest kind of grains. Wholegrains are rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals and are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Consuming wholegrains is the sure-shot way to get the most of the nutrition and fiber out of grain. Wholegrains kernels consist of 1.      Bran , the fibrous outer layer full of minerals like iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B. 2.      Germ , the nutrient-packed core with B vitamins, vitamin E and healthy fats. 3.      Endosperm , the interior layer of starchy carbohydrates with protein and vitamins. In refined grains, the bran and germ parts are removed, resulting in the removal of the nutrients and fibers. Whole grains are a healthier option because of their fiber and nutrient content compared to fine grains. Popular Wholegrains 1.      Oats  Oats are among the he...

Tips for Effective Eye Care

Tips for Eye Care Your eyes tell a lot about your health. The eyes will sparkle if you are healthy and show dullness if you are not well. Eyes lose sheen too if you are internally suffering from some ailment.  Eyes will look red, dry, and dull and sometimes have dark circles or puffiness around them due to lack of rest, tiredness, infection or ailment. Like your body, your eye needs rest and care too after a long and tiring day. To take care of your eyes you can follow some steps, following are the tips for effective eye care. 1.    Keep your eyes safe from dryness Dry air aggravates the dryness of the eyes resulting in loss of moisture and red, scratchy and irritated eyes. It is better to avoid dry wind, smoke, car heaters and hair dryers.  Keep eye moisturizing drops with you, they will definitely help your eyes. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated whenever you are in a dry place as fluids are vital for eye health. 2.  ...

Enhance Bone Health

  How to Enhance Bone Health   Bone health changes from childhood to teenage to adulthood as it depends on your diet, lifestyle and physical activity. To maintain the health and strength of bones a steady stream of nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium and calcium are required. It is essential to build strong and healthy bones during childhood and adolescence.  Our peak bone mass is reached when we reach 30, subsequently, no significant bone mass is created by our body. During the later part of life, both men and women (especially post-menopausal) face the risk of osteoporosis due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D as bones can become fragile and break easily. While it is tough to get the level of bone mass you had in your youth but you can certainly prevent the thinning of bones by following some healthy habits. 1.     Boost Calcium intake Calcium help builds strong bones and the daily intake of calcium required in adult male and female ...

Muscle Degeneration and Recovery

The Muscle Degeneration and Recovery What is muscle degeneration? Muscle degeneration or sarcopenia (which means lack of flesh) is the wasting or thinning of the muscle mass. It starts when we are in our 30s, but muscle loss is prominent when we reach our 50s. After middle-age adults lose 3-5% of their muscle strength every year.  It can be due to the disuse of your muscles or neurogenic conditions (controlled by the nervous system). It can also happen when you are bedridden or unable to move due to a medical condition.  Even if you are active, you can still lose muscle mass. It is treatable if we switch to regular exercise and proper protein consumption, but it takes longer to regain the lost muscles. Symptoms of muscle wasting The main symptoms can be 1.      Decrease in muscle mass, numbness and weakness in limbs. 2.      Having difficulty in balancing and tingling in arms and leg muscles. 3.      Reduced muscle st...